What are Placements?

Placements are a great way for students to learn and develop on the job skills. Working with real patients and staff allows them to put their theory and training into practice and build their real time responses and problem-solving skills.

As a student these placements are vital as part of preparation to becoming a newly qualified registrant in health and social care. As a practice or PCN placements are a great way to stay in touch with new practices and ways of working and pass on skills to students. It allows all parties to consider if this partnership could last, with many students receiving job offers and practices and PCNs where they have had their placements.

The Hub Plus Derbyshire supports placements in:

-Nursing (all fields)

-Physician Associate


-Allied Health Professionals including Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy


At The Hub Plus we aim to work to increase and better the future nursing workforce in Derbyshire by supporting local practices and PCN’s. We work in partnership with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to support student placements in various different courses and to ensure quality.