Freedom to Speak Up

Your Voice Matters

Speaking up protects patient safety and improves our working environment. When things go wrong, we need to make sure that lessons are learnt and things are improved. We should all feel able to speak up without fear so that potential harm is prevented.

Even when things are good, but could be even better, we should feel able to say something and should expect that our suggestion is listened to and used as an opportunity for improvement.

You can speak up:

  • If working processes are not being followed
  • About the behaviours of others
  • About any thing that impacts on patient care or your working life
  • Anonymously, confidentially or openly
  • Internally within your workplace or contact the freedom to speak up guardian for Derbyshire
  • If you want to check if the issue you have should be raised

Freedom to Speak Up is about encouraging a positive culture in our workplace, where we feel comfortable speaking up and know that
our voices will be heard, suggestions acted upon and we will be value for taking a brave step in the interests of protecting patients and
wellbeing of staff.

The Freedom to Speak Up Guardian for Derbyshire is Linda Cross at The Hub Plus, for more information contact: